The Espana, of Madrid, of the 15th, says : "The squadron destined to demand satisfaction from Mexico is to be composed of six magni- ficent screw frigates, two steamers, each of 500 horse-power, and a number of transports and smaller vessels. As to the effective of the troops which will be sent out, it is not prudent to name it for the pre- sent.' The King had arrived at Barcelona. General Atmeller had resigned the Captaincy-General of the Balearic Isles. The Cerra- pondancia says : "We affirm, for the second time, that it is completely false that any sort of commercial treaty is now being negotiated with France." A decision of Marshal O'Donnell, Minister of War and the Colonies, published by the Madrid Gazelle, and addressed to the Captain-General of Porto Rico, declares, in principle, that a slave who has touched the soil of Spain must be considered as emancipated, even without the consent of his former master.