Socialist League Tactics Attention has been drawn to the fact
that the Socialist League has put down no fewer thari sixty amendments to the Labour Party's official programme, and that the Executive of the Party, in printing these amendments side by side with its own proposals, is in effect compelled to give publicity to a rival programme. There is nothing improper in - this mode of procedure. The Socialist League has the right which every constituent society of the Labour Party has to submit whatever amendments it thinks fit. It is within the Party, not outside it. What its action does show is that at the coming Party conference it intends to go all out to challenge the comparatively moderate official policy, and force the conference to a trial of strength in which it may secure a majority. There is to be battle royal at this Party meeting between the moderates and those who are bent on committing Labour to an uncompromising policy of the whole pro- gramme of Socialism in the life of a single Parliament. * * * *