SIR.—The three letters on this subject that you pub-
lished last week are. on their own evidence, from three obsessed anti-Christians. The juxtaposition is unfortunate for them. It is hard to respect the views, on any subject, of people whose reactions to any- thing to do with Christianity one is tempted to visualise as going purple in the face and kicking the furniture. In print they just make rather choleric debating points. Can we now ask them for a positive statement of their humane opinions in the thalidomide argument, uninfluenced by subject- ive bigotry and negative dogma?
My own views on the subject are, in principle,
those which Messrs. Empson, White and Blomfield are against. I am not a Roman Catholic. I am sure that if a satisfactory solution to this type of prob- lem is to be found, then Christians and humanists will find much in common and have much to give to each other. Whether we spit in the face of Almighty God or in each other's faces does not
help at all, and, as a human being as well as a Christian, I felt quite soaked after reading those three letters! CHRISTOPHER GARDNER Pembroke House. 80 Barlow Street, SEI7