Whatever the rights and wrongs of the case in question,
it should be made clear that VSO is but one of several British organisations which give young people the chance to serve overseas. In this respect, to title the correspondence 'British %talon tary Service' is a misnomer, misleading and detri- mental to the development of a very admirable movement. The National Council of Social Service, of -6 Bedford Square, WC1, has now set up a `clearing house' for volunteers, helping to place the Person with the Organisation, and to co-ordinate the or of such voluntary service organisations. The International Service Department of the United Nations Association, for which I work. sends 'long termers' overseas in modest numbers -- eighteen this year and perhaps fifty next--ainliq to have the 'right man' where the need is greatest• whether it be to teach, to nurse, or to administer 3 project. Many of our assignments are directly con- cerned with the UN and its agencies. Our r11(1" urgent need is for teachers (for Somalia, the Friar': Congo, Hong Kong, Bolivia and Palestine), norsc,. (for Algeria) and agriculturists (for Basutolailw. University graduates who speak a language or twdu are in demand to fill a wide range of less speciab44 posts. UNA International Service is always delighte; to hear 5 tfseutc,hw i volunteers, who should write to Charles ores s Perhaps you won't grudge me your colurrn-s0 ?ace, Perhaps doing a good job of work where he's if you feel that it may help a volunteer on his %,;',d most.
I1 Hyde Park Crescent, W1