Will WaSPe Double vision
Drama, critics are not known for total abstemiousness while on the job, so maybe it was a little unkind of the Financial Tirnes's B. A. (Freddie) Young to give one or two of them such a nasty shock last week. In the interval of Prospect's Henry Iv at the Round House, at least one gentleman of the press collapsed with the screaming abdabs on seeing two Freddie Youngs bearing down on him in the interval with cheerful grins. The poor chap revived slightly at the news that Young has an out-of-town identical twin brother, though it was not strictly necessary for them to wear the same colour suit and accessories. Still, it sounds as though this particular Henry needed livening up a bit. Nice one, Freddie.
-Followtormy paragraph a cou-ple of weeks ago about Michael Cook, the freelance broadcaster and linkman on BBC-tv's Look North programme, I'm advised that I was misinformed about his having applied for the Look North job, and that he was, in fact, offered it by the BBC's Regional Television Manager North. I should also make it clear — though I did not suggest otherwise — that his previous move from Sheffield Radio to the World At One was at the invitation of the latter programme where, I am glad to hear, he was not at all unhappy. My apologies accordingly.