Spaih is undergoing a Ministerial crisis • but it is
of so peculiar a kind as to tell little of the real position of parties. There was to be a contest between the Ministerial party, who are for maintain- ing the present state of things, and the Opposition, composed of Carlists, Christinos, and Republicans, with such variety of prin- ciples and objects that they are as difficult as profitless to charac- terize; the contest being one about the election of a Speaker for the Chamber of Deputies : Senor Jost MARIA CALATRAYA was to be the Ministerial candidate ; when the Opposition anticipated a victory by disqualifying him, on the score of illegal practices at his election for Badajoz. Ministers resigned, and others are in treaty for their posts. Things seem all "at sixes and sevens"; and the real contest which remains to be decided can scarcely
throw a final light on the subject ; for what will the heterogeneous party of victors do after victory, should it be confirmed ? Poor Spain !