WAR-MICE, April 18.-44th Regt. of Foot-Lieut.-Geu. the lion. P. Stuart, fromthe 60th Foot, to be Colonel, vice General G. Browne. dec. 60th Foot-Lieut.-Gen. Sit W. C. Eustace lobe Colonel Commandant of a Battalion, vice the Hun. P. Stuart, ap- pointed to the 44th Foot: WAR.OFFICE, April 21.- 17th Regt. of Drags.-Gent. Cadet J. F. Blathwayt. from the Royal Mil. Coll. to be Cornet, by purchase, rice Crawshay, promoted. 18th Regt. of Foot-Ensign H. J. Masan. from the 62d Foot, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Call, promoted. 28th Foot-Brevet Lieut..Col, S. J. Cotton to be Lieut.•Col. without pur- chase, vice French, deceased ; Captain Frederick Wimbleton Priestley Parker to be Major, vice Cotton; Lieutenant Henry Dalton Smart to be Capt. vice Parke* Lieut. F. D. Vignoles to be Capt. by purchase, vice Smart, whose promotion by purchase has been cancelled; Ensign G. Burrell, from the let West India Regt. to be Lieut. by pur- chase. vice Vignoles. 37th Foot-C. Gordon, Gent, to be Eusigu, by purchase. vice Waudesforde, who retires. 40th Foot-R, Thompson, Gent, to be Ensign, without par. chase, vice Dawson, promoted. 49th Foot-Lieut. H. G. Hart to be Capt. without purchase. vice Gregory, dec. 68th Foot-Major Lord W. Paulet to be Lieut.-Col,. without purchase, vice Crois, who retires upon full-pay; Capt. II. Smyth to be Major
vice Lord W. Panlet: Lieut. E. Macpliersou to be Capt. vice Smyth: Ensign S. Browue to be Lieut. vice Macpherson; R. Verner, Gent tube Ensign, vice Browne. Rifle Brigade—C. P. Peunington, Gent, to be Second Lieut. by purchase, vice Jute- lyo, appointed to the Scots Fusilier Guards. lit West India Regt—R. D. Fletcher, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Bur- rell. promoted in the 28th Foot. Royal Canadian Rifle Reet.—Lieut. J. L. Mortimer, from the 21st Foot, to be Lieut. vice Potter. appointed Quartermaster of the 57th Foot. Hospital Staff—Staff Assist-Surg. W. Odell to be Staff Sorg. of the Second Clam vice Mocees appointed to the St. Helena Regt.; Assist.-Surg. J. G. Inglis. M.D., from the 87th I o A. to be AssistsSurg. to the Forces, vice Odell, promoted.
Onecs oft OADNANCZ. April 20.—Royal Engineers—First Lieut. G. Wynne to be Second Capt. vice Hordes, retired on full pay ; Second Lieut. the Hon. W. Napier to be First Lieut. vice Wyune.