Tuesday, April 18.
J. Reynolds and J. Dods, Boston, merchants—S. A. Liebert and Co. Manchester. merchants; as far as regards G. Fiudeisen—Barlow and Harris. Sheffield. woollen- drapers—Merridew and Jones, Leamington Priors. printers—A. Bottomley and J. Campbell. Liverpool, starch-manufacturers—T. and W. H. Robinsou, Leicester, wine-dealers —.T. II. Skinner and R. Thompson. Stockton, Durham, wiue-merchants- W. Verrier and J. Hayward, Bristol. newspaper agents—S. and G. Arnold. Aylesford. Kent. grocers—J. Walker and J. Armitage. Birmingham, merchants—R. Edmondson and W. Shepherd. Shipley, Yorkshire, steue.merchants—Muspratt and M'Henrys. Liverpool. commissionimerchants—T. Price and W. Powell, Circus, Poplar, equestrian lro yorriaetoe. re —WE iliTg.g..1 cannel d j3iiirstol..adikaanil ipmtonan upfa:rteunirersj;. rvafaor. aLrdetitords E. tholomew Close, wholesale druggists ; as far as regards R. H. Evans—T. Biguold and T. Jones, Mawe, Norwich, attoruies—J. Butler and J. Hodgson, Sheffield. manufac- turers of cutlery— Dudgeon and Co. Liverpool; as far as regards R. Small, G. Colqu. honn. J. Boner, W. S. Boyd. 0. Colquhouu junior, J. Small, and A. Bonar—C. Butt and G. Margetts, Gutter Lane, City. lacemen—A. Lewis. and M. Barnes, Taunton, booksellers—T. Benmore junior and Co. Exmouth, shippers; as far as regards T. Benmore junior.
Simpson. Rochdale, moulder—Heatlicock. Rowley Regis. Staffordshire, butcher — Slater, Tipton, Staffordshire. lime-burner —Kenworthy, Halifax, overlooker of power- looms—Parke, Stamford Street, solicitor—Boast. Stockwell Place, Stockwell Green, chemist's assistant —Jeliess Old Stratford, Nirthamptonshire. schoolmaster—Platts, Leeds. journeyman shoemaker—Whitehead. Roclulale, fiaunel manuficturer—Wood, Middlesbrough, lately a grocer—Walker. Lincoln, dealer in glass—Sutcliffe. Bradford, Yorkshire, iiinkeeper—Parker, Bradford, Yorkshire, shopkeeper—Popplewell, Batley. Yorkshire, rag.merchaut —Ashworth, Rochdale, cotton-narper—Jackson junior, Man. Chester, fustian.manufacturer—Waltou, Haverstock Hill —Copemaa, Norwich, linen- draper — Pickering. Ecclesfield. Yorkshire, edge-tool grinder—Hannam. Leeds, book- keeper—Hirst, otherwise Berry. Huddersfield. victualler-- Richardson. Liverpool, builder—Shutt. Stoke-upon-Treut. lately a butcher—Freethy, Kirby Street, appraiser —Willsher, Great Dunincos, veterinary surgeon —Gleadhill, Dewsbury. blanket menu- facturer—Ravenscroft, Mitre Street. Lambeth. out of business—Lee, Sedgley. Stafford- shire, baker—Evans, Rowley Regis Staffordshire, mine agent.
CARPENTER, RICHARD WATKINS, Holloway, cheeseMonger, to surrender April 25. June 2: solicitor, Mr. Wright, London Street, City ; official assignee. Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane.
Davies. Jogs Pummel; Davies Street, Berkeley Square, apothecary, April 29. May 30 solicitor. Mr. Cox, Pinners' Hall ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Lombard Street.
Ems, Davie junior, Haverhill, Suffolk, draper, April 27, May 26: solicitor. Mr. Ware, Blackman Street; official assignee. Mr. Peunell, Basinghall Street.
Fumes, Witrams. Lewes, Sussex, currier, May 4. 29: solicitors, Messrs. Sow- tots and Co. Great James Street, Bedford Row ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Ba- ginghall Street.
Humus, Gamma, Dorking, tailor, April 27. May 22: solicitor, Mr. Parry, George Street. Mansiouletuse; official assignee, Mr. Graham. Basinghall Street.
MERGA, ANTHONY, Nantwich. watch-maker, May 5. 26: solicitors. Messrs. Chester and Tuulmin, Staple Inn; and Mr. Hostage, Liverpoll; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool.
Megrims loos Woodside, Cheshire. merchant, May 5. 30: solicitors, Messrs. Sharpe aud Co. Bedford Row; and Messrs. Lowndes aud Co. Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Turner. Liverpool. PARKER, JOHN. Boltou-le.Moors, cotton-waste-spinner, April 28. May 16: solicitors, Messrs. Norris and Co. Bartlett's Buildings; and Mr. Glover, Boltou-le-Moors; offi- cial assignee, Mi. Hobson, Manchester.
PEASE, WILLIAM, Shrewsbury, grocer, April 26, June 2: solicitors, Mr. Teece, Shrewsbury; and Mr. Reece. Birmingham; official assignee. Christie, Birmingham.
Prom, Wismar, Canterbury, cabinetmaker, April 25, June 2: solicitor, Mr. Fiddey, Temple; official assignee. Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street. Pam, Joust, Adelaide Street, surgeon, April at. May 19: solicitor, Mr. Pill, Harlan Garden ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Bastughall Street.
RDEINSON, JOSEPH EDMUND, Liverpool, wine-merchant, April 28. May 26: solicitors, Messrs. Sharpe and Co. Bedford Row; and Mr. Jenkins, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Turner. Liverpool. VERBS, JADEs. Battersea, mealmau, April 28. May 24: solicitors. Mrssrs. Pain and Hatherley. Great Marlborough Street; official assignee. Mr. Lacklugtou, Coleman Street Buildings. WALToN, HENRY junior, Crowland. Lincoluehire, wheelwright, April 28, May 26; solicitors, Messrs. Watson and Bruughtuu, Falcon Square; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. WEBB, CHARLES. Kingston-upan-Hull, timber-merchant, May I, 26: solicitor, Mr. Parker, St. Paul's Churchyard; official assignee, Mr. Freeman, Leeds. Wane. Nreremezzs, East Greenwich, victualler, May 1, 29: solicitors, Messrs. Par- nell and CU. New Broad Street; official assigaee. Mr. Turquand, Copthall Buildings.
May 11, Stevens. Old Bond Street. bill-broker—May 10. Fisher and Milner, Nor- wich. drapers—May 10, Mattock. Henrietta Street. Coveut Garden, banker—May 1 l, Bloxham and Co. Gracechurch Street, bankers—May 11, Harrisou, Tavistsck Row, hotel-keeper— May 11, Hall, Piccadilly. upholsterer—May 10, Law, Great Portland Street, upholsterer—May II, Sly. Bouverie Street. engraver—May 9, Baker. Mark Lane merchant—April 27. Ball, West Street, Soho. victualler — May 10, Maberley, Welbeck Street, coach maker—June 15, Pitt, Selby, wine-merchant
To be granted. unless cause be shows to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
May 11, Curtis. Soho Square, bookseller—May It. Manning. Dyer's Buildings, scrivener —May 11. Russell., Kingston-Upon-Thames. innkeeper — May IL Galpiu, Marnhull, Dorsetahire, maltster— May 9. J. and T. Whitelaw. Store Sireet, carpenters —May 9, Martin, Tunbridge Wells, builder—May 10. Bisshop. Westburtoa, Sussex, market-gardener—May 17. Whatley. Cirencester, scriveuer —May 17, Seahorn. Berk. Gloucestershire. baker—May 16, Deaver and Nixey. Liverpool. woollendrapers- May 11, Ankrett. Walsall. grocer.
To be granted. eaten cause be shown to the contrary, on or bee,re May 9.
Brightman, Spalding, apothecary—Walker, Hayfield. Derbyshire, grocer—Power and Wallace, Liverpool, merchants—Highfield. Birkenhead, merchant — Beucroft. Sal- ford, grocer —Goulden, Liverpool, wine-merchaut—Wardle, Griffin Street. Shadwell, ship-owner— Lowe, Norley, Cheshire, shoemaker —Collingwood, Stoke-upsu-Trent, maltster.
CHIVAS, Wrstssu, Mains of Blacktown, Aberdeenshire, cattle-dealer, April 22; May 13. Surtax, ALEXANDER, Edinturgh, insurance-broker. April 22, May 13.
Friday, April 21.
Hewson and Harcourt. Charles Street, Manchester Square, surveyors—Armour and Co. Montreal — Taylor and Goldsmith. Ratcliffe, linendrapers — Ellis and Wilson, Ardwick, Lancashire, joiners— Brierley and Thompson. Rochdale, tea-dealers —Dale and Phillips, North End, Fulham, schoolmistresses—Churchyard aud Meadows. Woodbridge, attornirs— Porch and Staultury. Colchester carriers—Pratt and Ringer, Norwich, grocers—Haseldeu and Co. Chelsea, papier-mache mennfacturers —E. and 3. Cooban, Liverpool, timber merchants—T. and W. Handley, Kenilworth, farmers- COMM and Hooper. Birmingham, iroufounders—Tasker and Ellis, Bielby, Yorkshire, owners of the Provideuce, trading on the Pockiugton Canal.
MOSBY, SARAH, White Lion Court, Birchiu Lane. baker, April 13.
Jones. Betsitunit, Llanidloes. Montgomeryshire, banker. Maturszw, HENRY. Henley-upon-Thames, innkeeper. DECLARATIONS OF INSOLVENCY UNDER THE NEW ACT.
Lee. Sedgley, Staffordshire, baker—Adds. Park Lane. Chelsea, ,builder—Lloyd. Dudley. surgeon—King, Robert Street, Chelsea. clerk—Halsted, St. Pancras. near Chichester, stonemason—Day. Bristol. surgeon—Stead, Huddersfield. overlooker- Broadbent, Kirkheaton, Yorkshire. fancy woollen manufacturer—Cox. Bridgewater, innkeeper—Wood, Cheltenham, cabinet- maker—Huskinson. East Bridgford, Notting- hamshire. farmer—Glenn, Liverpool, ale-dealer—Thomas, Exeter, accountant—Long- worth, Little Bolton, dealer in malt— Blunts Kew, linendraper. —Gardner. Chalk. Kent, wheelwright—Carpenter. Kidlington. near Oxford, grocer—Jones, Ludgate Hill. milliner—Kempeter. Aston, Warwickshire, retailer of beer—Everett, Cross Street. Islington, out of business
Aunts, EDWARD VAUGHAN. Paradise Street, Rotherhithe. surgeon, to surrender May 3,30: solicitors. Messrs. Hilleary and Co. Fenchurch Street; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basinghall Street.
Baocars, THomAS. Liverpool, victualler, May 9, June 2: solicitors. Messrs. Bridger and Co. Finsbury Circus; and Messrs. Francis and Dodge. Liverpool; official as. signets, Mr. Bird, Liverpool. BUCEIANAN, Maim Shore, Guildford, brewer, May 4. June 2: solicitors. Messrs. Dimmock and Burbey, Bucklersbury ; official assignee, Mr. Groom. Abchurch Lane. Davis. DANIEL, Newiugton Causeway, earthenware-dealer. May 4. 29 : solicitor, Mr. Lewis, Wilmingteu Square: official assignee. Mr. Turquand, Copthall Buildings. WALKER, TIMMAS, Poulteu-in the Fylde. Lancashire, grocer, May 5, June 2: soli- citors. Messrs. Gregory and Co. Bedford Row ; and Messrs. Winstanley and Charnley, Preston ; official assignee, Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool.
May 16, Swain, Faruham, draper—May 12, Wildy, Oxford Street, hatter—May 12, Park, Finch Lane, merchant—May 12, Stratton. Longcot. Berkshire, corn -dealer— May 19, Deane, Upper Twang, livery-shit:its-keeper—May 16. Milford and Co. Can- terbury. bankers—May 16. Kendall, Greenwich, brewer—May 16, Mott. Leicester. wine-merchant—May 16, Derlacher, Old Burlington Street, dealer in pictures—May 13, Pease, Leeds, timber merchant — May 12, Hodson, Reading, druggist—May 16, Brown, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, cooper—May 18, Webb. Liverpool. ironmonger—May 18. Denver and Nixey, Liverpool, woollendrapers—May 11, Cooper, Sutton, near Mecclestield, mercer.
mein-MATES To be granted, unkss cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
May 16, Yeadmau, Fore Street, chemist—May 12, Clarke, George Street Mansion. house, lock-ruanu 'acturer—May 12, Cowing, Lowestoft, grocer—May 12, Newton, Macclesfield. silk-throwster.May 15, Clarkson. Commercial Road, Lambeth. tanner —May 17, Lindon. Plymouth. merchant— May18, Whitley, Liverpool, merchant—May 16, Banks. Manchester, dealer in pianofortes—May 12, Rowbottom, Manchester, flour-dealer.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before May 12. Judd, Melton Mowbray, draper—Young. Hatton Garden. card-maker—R. and R. Steane, Coventry. riband manufacturers—Millington, Nottingham, sail-manufacturer Plank, Plymouth, perfumer—Bennett. Reading, railroad coutractor —Davies, Great Crosby. Laucashire, blacksmith—Walton. Kiugsland Road, timber-merchant—Cot- trill, Worcester. grocer —Lea and Patrick, Worcester. butchers—Morris. Long Lane. Bermondsey, leather dresser —Shepherd, Liverpool. boot maker— Hollaud. Birming- ham, iron tube manufacturer.
Hoes, J., Newton. Edinburgh. April 28, May 19.
THWIP6ON, D., Edinburgh, spirit-merchant. April 28, May 17, THOMSON. R., Ediubargh. grocer, April 28, May 17.