22 APRIL 1843, Page 20


P0 (Last Official Quotation Alabama (Sterling) 5p. Ct. Arkansas (1863) 6 — REIGN during the — FUNDS.

Week ending Friday Evening.) Mexican Sp. Ct. Ditto (Deferred) 5 —

29i st

Austrian 5 — — Michigan 6 —

Belgian S — 105/ Mississippi (Sterling) ...6 —

Brazilian 5 — Buenos Ayres 6 — 751

Neapolitan 6 —29* New York (1855) 5 —

Cuba 6 — 88 Ohio 6 — 67 Chiliau 6 — 90 Peunsyleauia 5 —

Columbian of 1824 6 — 241 Peruvian 6 — 193 Danish 3 — 86 Portuguese 3 —.

Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) .21 — 561 Ditto 5 —; 71 Ditto (Ditto) 5 — 1001 Ditto (New) 5

French 3 — 83f. 25c. Russian 5 — 114 Ditto 5 — 121f 50e.

Spanish 5 -

221 Indiana (Sterling) 5 —


Ditto (Passive) 51 Illinois 6 —

Ditto (Deferred) 131 Kentucky 6 — — South Carolina 5 p. Ct.

Louisiana (Sterling) ....5 — 50 Tennessee 6 —

Maryland 6 — — United States Bank

Massachussetts(Sterliug)5 — 92 Virginia. 5 —

(Last Official Quotation



Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey) British Iron Cuts Bream Candouga Cobre Copper


Chelteu ham and Great Western Eastern Counties GrandJuuction Great Western Liverpool and Manchester.

Lundim and Brightou London and Blackwell Loudon and Greenwich London and Birmingham

LOWL4111 and Croydon

Maucheder and Leeds Midland S'ouuties Nerth Midland Sonth-eastern and Dover South-western SHARES.

during the Week ending Friday Evening.) BANK. — Australasian 74 British North American 51 Colonial - London and Westminster London Joint Stock National of Ireland 23 National Provincial Provincial of Ireland 29 Union of Australia 10f Union of London — Doces — 92 East and West India - London 35 St. Katherine

51 Miscsttaxsous-

41 Australian Agricultural 210 British American Land 11 Canada 814 General Steam 641 New Zealand 68 Royal Mail Steam 251 South Australian 651 Van Diemeu's Land 15 t 221 13 44 34 128 933 1671 42 BULLION.

Gold, Poreigs io Bans ...par oz. 31. 17s.

Old Spanish, or Pillar linrrs.. 0 0 Mexican Dollus.... ..... .... 0 4 Silver in Bars, Standard 0 4 Id. 0 01 II


Copper, British Cakes.per ton IltIOs.Od to 0

Iron. British Bars 5 5 6 — 0 Lead British P' L g 17 0 0 — 0 Steel, English 0 0 0 — 0 0 6 50 55 05

BRITISH FUNDS. (Closiug Prices.)


Monday. Tuesday. Wednes. Thurs. Friday,

961 961 961 961 961 961 974 961 961 96# 961 961 ex 4. 964 951 951 9d 93t 1 ex d 1011 1011 1013 102 102 021 1021 1021 1021 1023 1024 ex d. 124 124 124 121 121 I4 ex d 1841 184 183 184 183


269 268 269 — 2681

' pm.

67 69 67 69 69

r Dm.

77 ---- 77 77


3 per Cent. Cousols

Ditto for Account..

3 per Cents. Reduced 33 per Ceuta. Reduced New 31 per Cents Long Annuities

Bank Stock, 7 per cent

India Stock, 101 Exchequer Bills. Hd. p. diem India Bonds. 31 per cent 9 10 12 18 6 HOPS. POTATOES.

*sat TockedL.... 75s to as. York Reds pert.. 600.10 DR. Choice Ditto tea 120 Ware 0 - • Sttesez Pockets 74 80 Middling, 0 .... 0

SoreRae Ditto se - as I Chats • .- 0

GRAIN, Mark Lane. April 21.

Wheat, RedNevr40 1,44 Pia 46..41 Old ... 34 .. 36 White 36 .. 40 Fine 44 .. 44 SoperfineNewa .. 52 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the present Week.

Wheat 44s. ed Rye as. 84 Wheat 20s. od Rye It.. ad

Barley ..... Se 3 Bans ... 26 3 Bsrley 9 0 Beans 6 0616 ..... 17 4 Peas 28 4 Oats 8 0 Peas It I Oat., Peed .. 16 to 17 Pine 17..19 Poland. It ..

Fine la .. 2/ Potato . 21 . 52

Flee 36..36

Rye 30 teat Barley.... 26 .. 85 Maltiog 47 .. 28 Melt,Ortinary 46 .. 50 Fine 50 .. MI

Pea, Hog 87 .28

Maple 3610 85 White Boilers 31 . 33 Beans, Ticks Old 26 28 Harrow 27.. VD


Town-made per sack 40e. to 45s.

Seconds-- .................. 32 - 40 Essex and Suffolk, Do board ship... 30 - 35 Norfolk and Stockton......... ...... 28 - 52

BRAN per quarter Oa. to Os. POLLARD. be Os. to Os.

BREAD, sp. to 70. the 411'. Loaf,


BUITER-Rest Fresh, 14s. 6d. per dee. Carlow, 31.4s. toil. 0, per cwt. BACON, Small Old. per cert On le Os. CHEESE. Cheshire 4sle. to 74s.

Derby Plain 469. to 58s.

HAMS, York 65.. to 74s EGGS, French... per IVO 45.0d. to 5s. 01.

HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)

CUMBERLAND. SMITHFIELD. POSTMAN. WHITECH A PEI.. Hay, Good Ma. Ses as .. 84e. Inferior 70 .. 84 New 0 .. • Clover IC .. II I 75 .. 100 0 .. 0 .. .. 00 .. III Straw, Wheat 48 .. 54 40 .. 50 0 .. 0 43 .. 50



Beef 2s. at *0 3.. Ild. to Sa. 44. 24.104. ta In. 44 to 4s. Od.

Mosta 2 4 .. 3 0 .. 5 • S 0 ..2 6 .. 4 4 Val 0 4 .. 8 4 .. 4 6 S 0 .. 4 0 .. 4 110 Pork 2 6 .. 3 8 .. 4 4 II II .. 4 0 .. 4 11 Lamb 3 0 .. 0 0 .. 5 8 ... .... 5 3 .. 5 8 ..I 4 • To sink the offal-per Miss. HEAD OF CATTLE AT SMITHFIELD. Be..... Sheep. Calves. PIO.

Friday 513 .. 7.86, 1911 315 Monday arra 28,580


Rape Oil ......... .....per cm. 11. tfts. Od Refined is 0 fl

Linaed Oil I 13 0

Linseed Oil Cake...... per lees 0 0 e CANDLES, per dosen, 00.04. to 00.0d. Moulds (1a. per doa.diseount) 09. 04.

COALS, Helton 20..6d. Tem.. ............... 20..0d. GROCERIES.

TEA, Rohe,. tine. p lb. Is. 0.1. -0 0.

Congou, fine ...... 1 7 - Souchone, fine ..... 0 -I • • In Bond-Huila. Id.per lb. COFFEE, Roe(lnbd) per at. UI.. to IS.%

Good Ordinary Slot, 70s. RUG AR, Mu-covado . per cwt. 35 West India Molasses. vse to as.