The steamer Tenasserim brings intelligence from Calcutta to the 5th
March ; but the only news has found its way into Galignanis Mes- senger of Thursday- " Major Frazer, who is one of the passengers, bears magnificent presents to her :Majesty Queen Victoria from the King of Lahore, said to be in value 12,000L There is little political intelligence by this arrival, except that Akhbar was again beginning to move, and meditates a descent upon the Sikh possessions beyond the Indus, Peshawur .being considered in danger of a visit; in which case the British would have to assist their ally. The Barukzyes are now supreme in Afghanistan. The Candahar &Aare have returned to their capital, Suftur Jung being a prisoner in their hands. The British Govern- ment have acknowledged, in Gwalior, Jeeabjee Rao Scindiah, the Raene's eldest son. From China there is no news whatever."