Breen EXCHANGI, TIMMUIDAT arrieuroos.
The demand for investments in the various descriptions of English Stock has continued without intermission. Prices have consequently been on the advance; and in the early part of today Consols for Money reached 83, at which price seve- ral bargains were effected. This high price brought Stock to market; and upon the publication of the seeond editions of the morning papers with intelligeuce of the Chartist movements in Scotland and the colliery disturbances in Warwick- shire, several speculative sales occurred. A decline of nearly 1 per cent imme- diately took place; and after being at 82 for Account and 82* for Money, the closing quotations are 82* * for Account, and 82* for Saturday. There is nothing worthy of remark in the operations of the last few days, unless it be the fact that several of the purchases alluded to have been made for foreigners; a large quantity of Stock having been transferred into the names of persons who evidently are not natives of Great Britain. Exchequer Bills continue firm at between 40 and 44 premium. The rate of commercial discount is about 3 per cent. In the Stock Exchange money is easily obtainable from day to day, or upon loans for short periods, at from 2 to 21 per cent More activity has been displayed in exchange operations both on Tuesday last and today than for several weeks. Since the French Revolution, the business has been almost en- tirely confined to the negotiation of short bills upon Paris: these drafts are in de- mand to meet the payments of the large wholesale London houses who have taken advantage of the present depreciation in all descriptions of goods in Paris to bey extensively in that capital. The drawers of the bills in London provide for their payment in Paris by sending thither specie purchased of the Bank of England: It is understood that the Bank has in store very large quantities of foreign gold coin, which the parties seeking to remit gold to France have purchased at. prices leaving a very fair profit to the Bank. The transaction is an advantageous one to both parties: the purchasers of the gold, by sending it to Paris, are enabled to draw bills upon their agents in that city upon terms yielding a profit of from 2 to 4 per cent; while the Bank, by supplying the demand, avoids the expense of coming the foreign gold, and prevents the efflux of sovereigns. A decided change for the better has occurred in the Foreign Market. Bra- zilian have today risen to 66,—an advance of 7 per cent since Saturday, and 13 per cent since the beginning of last week. Russian Bonds are today 851---an im- provement of about 7 per cent since Saturday: during the height of the recent alarm this Stock was offeeed in vain at '72. Both varietiesof Spanish-Stock are about 1 per cent higher. Mexican Bonds have advanced in about the same de- gree. Portuguese Four per Cents are likewise rather firmer, and have today reached 15*. Dutch Stock, though nominally from I to 2 per cent higher, is still not much sought after, and the transactions have been few.
The change in the Railway Market, though not very great, is for the better: all the more important varieties of shares are about 11. higher than they were last week; those of lesser note ranging slightly above the then quotations. The Fo- reign, or we should rather say the French Shares, are at a slight improvement. It appears probable that the intention of the Reputlican Goverument to assume the property of the various railways in France will not be carried out, as the de- termination of the question is to be deferred to the meeting of the National As- sembly. The accounts of the Bank of England, for the week ending the 15th April, exhibit when compared with those of the preceding week the following results-
Public Deposits 1,465,183 Other Deposits 10,900 Seven-day and other Bills 17,896 Government Securities, including Dead-weight 50,764 Other Securities 310,319 Notes unissued 1,198,820 Actual Circulation 355,910
Notes issued 832,915 Bullion 838,087
This week. last week.
Total Bullion in both Departments 13,764,254 14,602,431 Actual Circulation 18,596,540 18,240,630
The principal feature in this account is the falling off in the amount of bullion; which, however, may be easily accounted for by the demand occasioned by the payment of the dividends, and that for exportation to France.
The English Stock Market is heavy, the operators for the fall having gained confidence from the decrease of the stock of bullion in the Bank. The opening price of Consols was 82, and the quotations are now 82* for Account and 82* for Money. Exchequer Bills are rather better, and are quoted at 45s. premium. In the Foreign Market, the quotations are nearly the same as on Thursday, the tone being rather better. There is no material variation in the Railway Sham, 53856 44680
nor any bargains of importance yet recorded.
3 per Cent Consols 821 1 Danish 3 per Cents 50 Ditto for Account 82 f Dutch 21 per Cents 3 per Cent Reduced Ditto 4 per Cents.
81 per Cents 81 f I Mexican 5 per Cents 1846... 113411415f
Long Annuities Bank Stock New Grenada
Exchequer Bills Portuguese N. 4 per Cen ts 1842 60144514
India Stock 40 95 prem• Portuguese Old 1824 85 90 Spanish Brazilian 5 per Cents 62 66 Masten 5 per Cents (Active) 5 per Cents
Belgian 41 per Cents 50 5 20l It 412
Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 Buenos Ayres 15 22
18 92
Chillan 6 per Cents Venezuela