22 APRIL 1871, Page 2

One of the interesting details of Mr. Lowe's Budget speech

was his. account of Mr. Stansfeld's reforms in the Custom House, by which- he has been able to save not only the whole increase in salary pro- mised by the late Government to the officers of that department,. but even to deal liberally with them by granting a back increase- from the time at .which it was first promised, and yet to save a- good deal on the expenditure of the department. Mr. Lowe states- that 130 clerks have already been dispensed with in the London Custom House alone, with a positive increase instead of loss to the efficiency of the department, and that the number of clerks saved will reach 200 before the new organization is completed. The same system is to be extended to the provincial Custom Houses,. and a corresponding economy of labour and money is expected.