The Queen arrived at Paris at 10 o'clock on Friday
morning, and received a short visit from Marshal MacMahon at the rail- way-station. Her Majesty is, of course, called the " Queen- Empress" by the Paris papers, althouga the Bill promoting her to that title has not yet received the Royal assent—next year it would be the " Royal-Imperial " assent, as the Bill is partly Indian—and the example will be followed all over the Continent. It is said the Russian Government intends to take a courtly revenge for Mr. Disraeli's nonsense, by sending a special Envoy " to congratulate her Majesty upon her assumption of a title so entirely in accordance with the facts of the case, and so completely justified by circumstances." We have not yet heard that Mr. Disraeli intends to propose, on the advice of the Princes of India, that the Empress shall receive a separate Civil List, payable out of the Indian revenue, but the suggestion, if properly made to him, would doubtless be most acceptable. The ryots would not know, and the householders will bear anything.