Sir Stafford Northiote behaved more than well in this debate,
—with great 'dignity, statesmanship, and good feeling. Appre- hending rightly that the Government would not support the Circular, and that the effect rnight be to weaken the police, he declared himself anxious it should be clearly'" understood that the House, while trusting the Government will take all proper steps in that matter, fully inverts the Government in those measures they may find to be necessary, in the present critical state of Ireland, for the preservation of law and order." "I would further express my own personal hope, as well as the desire of others, that nothing which has passed or may be said shall be allowed to have the effect of discouraging or weakening the efforts of those gallant men, the Con- stabulary, who, performing their duty under circumstances of great trial, require to be supported." That is the true atti- tude for a statesman who, however opposed to the Government, wishes order restored in Ireland, and knows that he may here- after be called upon to govern it.