A letter to the Times of Tuesday, written by Mr.
Booth, "the General of the Salvation Army," and dated "Head-quarters, 101 Queen Victoria Street," is remarkable for the evidence it seems to afford that a new sect of very great influence and popularity has really sprung up amongst us. The Salvation Army, he says, publishes a journal called The Mar. Cry, with a weekly circulation of 255,000 copies, and has raised its number of corps within three years from 48 to 286, and the number of officers " who are actually engaged in the work, and supported out of it," from 100 to 62=% That the influence of the Salvation Army is rapidly extending,—and. doubtless deserves to extend,— we do nottioubt. What we should like to know is, howler its constituent elements, when once assimilated, remain permanent,
or are temporary-, and in a constant state of flux. Of course, the theology is -evangelical ; but is there any tendency to special phases of evangelical theology, or to spccial variations from the old evangelical type P