W ARLIKE operations in the Far East, whether by land or
sea, have been throughout the week effectively with- drawn from the ken of the Western world. In Manchuria the situation apparently remains unchanged, and there is no news of the extensive Japanese flanking movement believed to be in progress on the east of General Linevitch's positions. The last-authentic news of Admiral Rozlidestvensky's whereabouts comes from Lloyd's agent at Singapore, who reports that the steamer' Sui Sang ',passed the Russian fleet coaling in Kaniranh Bay on the mornifig of April 15th. The experts are inclined to believe that Admiral Rozhdestvensky will be well advised to wait for the arrival of Nebogatoff's division before proceed- ing further north. This waiting game, however, may involve serious international complications. Already the Japanese Press has begun to express acute resentment with the French for allowing the Russian fleet to use their ports in Cochin China as a naval base, and Baron Suyematsu in an interview published in the Daily Chronicle on Thursday did not hesitate to say that France had done everything to help Russia short of declaring war against Japan. It is also stated that the Japanese Minister in Paris has made a formal diplomatic protest. M. Rouvier, however, declared in the Chamber on Wednesday that hi et Government was doing everything necessary to assure French neutrality.