22 APRIL 1905, Page 3

During the week there have been several motor-car acci- dents.

In one case—that of a Mr. J. Lisle at Wolver. hampton—the Magistrates inflicted a sentence which has given satisfaction to all users of motor-cars who desire that the roads should be safe, and that the pastime in which they are interested should be protected from the odium which is brought upon it by those who imperil the public safety and abuse the rights conferred upon them by law. In the ease to which we are alluding the driver of the car was fined £50 and, had his license to drive suspended for two years. Unless the facts were something very different from what is reported, that is a punishment too light rather than too heavy. The excuse of the driver that the clouds of dust raised by the cars in front of him did not allow him to see the cart with which he collided was no excuse at all. His duty was not to rash through the dust at top speed, but to wait till the clouds had been dispersed. Another case mentioned in Wednesday's papers gives even greater cause for indigna- tion. A little boy of four years old was run over and killed by a car at a village near Dunstable. It is stated that the car, which contained three persons, did not stop after the accident. It is conceivable, of course, that the accident was as unavoidable as the running over of a child by a horse and cart is occasionally unavoidable; but nothing can possibly excuse the wickedness and brutality of those who, thong]) concerned in an accident, do not stop to offer such help and reparation as they can.