22 APRIL 1911, Page 25

William Ford Stanley : his Life and Work. Edited by

Richard In- wards. (Crosby Lockwood and Co. 2s. 6d. net).—W. F. Stanley, after a youth of very bard work, with a very scanty education—he left school at thirteen—set up in business as a mathematical instru- ment maker. He made his first independent venture by taki g a shop in Old Turnstile, Lincoln's Inn Fields, for which he paid 12s. a week. Things went badly at first ; trade was dull—it was the time of the Crimean War—and he lost much of his little capital. Then came a turn, which he was perfectly able to use to the best advantage. In the end he went a long way, enlarging his interests in many directions—astronomy was one of the subjects which he studied—and attaining a very considerable material success. The crowning act of his life was the foundation of the Stanley Hall and Technical School at South Norwood at a cost of..950,000. He tells how he had been hampered by.the want of technical training and this action was the characteristic outcome of the feeling.