Tuesday, August IS. PARTNERSIII rs Dr ss ()LYE n.—Lockwood and Co. Manchester, tailors—Collard and Hubbard, Regent-street, milliners—J. and W. George, Tetcott, Devonshire, yeomen— Cooper and Gibson, ill anchester, manufacturers—Priestley and Woodhouse, Hudders- field, confectioners—Widow Shaw and Sons, Chunall-mill, Derbyshire, cotton-spinners —Turner and Co. Manchester, corn commission-agents—R. and R. Perks, Monckton- Combo, common-brewers—Dunn and Ramshaw, Barnard-Castle, carpet-manufacturers- Tickle and Brothers, Bolton-le-Moors, tallow-chandlers—I. and A. Sealby, Keswick, ironmongers—Hammond and Ronson, Leeds, flax-spinners—Stannard and James, Ham- mersmith, wine-merchants—Sewell and Artis, Commerce-place, North Brixton, linen- drapers-3Iadox and Sydney, Austinfriars and Woolwich, solicitors. IssotrENT.—Aug. 14, W. P. BARNARD, Albion-place, Walworth, victualler. BANKRu prey SUPERSEDED.—T. HIND, Queen-street, victualler.
BANKRUPTS.—[To surrender at the Bankrupts' Court, Ba.singhall-street.]—J. WonTs, Whiteehapel-road, baker, Aug. 21, 2.5, Sept. 29 : solicitor, Mr. Teague, Cannon-street-- W. Gann:vs u and E. C o oats fs, Devouport, milliners, Aug. 21, Sept. 4, 29: solicitor Mr Jones, Size-lane--C. D. Sul LT oar, Sneinton, and Nottingham; scrivener, Aug. 25, Sept. 5 J9: solicitors, Bromleys, Gray's-inn-square—T. WESTON, Reading, linen-draper, iug.25, Sept. 4, 29: solicitor, Mr. Jones, Sise-lane—R. P. SmscL, Essex-street, White- chapel, potato-merchant, Aug. 25, Sept. 8, 29: solicitor, Mr. Weymouth, Gray's-inn. Hassan ers.—[To surrender in the Country.]—S. FETZER, Tewkersbury, brick- maker, Sept. 7, 8, : solicitor, Mr. Bousfield, Chatham-place—J. tartars, Liverpool, broker, Aug. 28, 29, Sept. 29: solicitors, Adlington and Co. Bedford-row—W. HALL, Manchester porter-dealer, Aug. 29, 31, Sept. 29 : solicitors, Adlington and Co.—W. AT- KINSON, deCKhCiltOn, Yorkshire, woolstapler, Aug. 29, 31, Sept. 29 : solicitors, Battye and Co. Chancery-lane—J. 111. lisNs KIN, Margate, builder, Aug. 20, 24, Sept. 29 : soli- citors, Hall and Bishop, Serjeant's-i no—T. NV1 LS 0 N, Cambridge, jeweller, Aug. 27, 28, Sept.29: solicitor, Mr. Cue, Pancras-lane—R. LE/nit, Manchester, cotton-spinner, Aug. itt, Sept. I, 29: solicitor, Mr. Tyler, Temple—W. and J. ANnems °sr and W. TAIT, Lads, linen-drapers, Aug. 25, 26, Sept. 29 : solicitor, Mr. Jones, John-street, Bedford- row—W. WAITE, Brumley, Yorkshire, cloth-manufacturer, Aug. 25, 26, Sept. 29: soli- citors, Few and Ashmore, Covent-garden—W. WALK E tt, Manchester, money-scrivener, Aug. 25, 29, Sept. 29 : solicitors, Appleby and Charnock, Gray's-inn—H. EARLAM, Wilmslow, Cheshire, linen-draper, Aug. 28, 29, Sept. 29: solicitors, Milne and Parry, Tak—T. RAW LINOS, Cheltenham, broker, Sept. 15, 16, 29: solicitor, Mr. King, Ser- jeanes.inn—J. MARS MALL, Watling-street, silk-manufacturer, Aug. 28, 29, Sept. 29: solicitors, Hurd and Johnson, Temple—G. LuNiviss, Bath, baker, Sept. 10, 11, 29: soli- citors, Maki nson and Sanders, Middle Temple. llivinanns.—Sept. 17, Pearson, Manchester, flour-dealer—Sept. 8, Clarke, Austin- friars, printer—Oct. 27, Adams, Bury St. Edmunds, grocer—Aug. 25, Rainey, Size-lane, merchant—Sept. 14, Shelley, Oultou, Staffordshire, flint-grinder. CERTIFICATES to be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Sept. S—Archer, Wood-street, Cheapside, warehouseman—Trapps, Church-court, Lombard- meet, drysalter—Escudier, Albemarle-street, hotel-keeper—Timothy, Leicester-square, hosier—Clapham. Wakefield, wine-merchant—Tordoff, Bradford, grocer—Norton, Ux- bridge, dealer—Martin, Preston, corn-merchant—Pringle, North Shields, wine-merchant —Loy, Sheffield, flour-seller—Mason, Great Russell-street, bookseller—Walker, Man- chester, woollen-shawl-manufacturer—J. Jones, jun. Tottenham-court-road, but-manu- facturer.
Friday, August 21.
PARTNERS ni os Piss or.vEn.—D. and H. Thompson, Chiswick, brewers—M. and A. Bunter, Sheffield, table-knife cutlers—Wells and Co., Birmingham, rag-merchants—T. and R. Weaver, Chester, grocers—Pim and Edwards, Plymouth, stationers—Macculium and Brice, London—W., \V., and S. Evans and Co., Derby, bankers—Vickers and Co., Sheffield, saw manufacturers—Cotton and Woodhams, Rochester, stone-merchants- liogs and Co; Birchin-lane, merchants—Maw and Staleys, Sheffield, merchants; as far as regards Maw—Robinson and Co., Leeds, printers—Robinson and Hernaman, Leeds, booksellers—Gregson and Greetham, Liverpool, ale and porter-dealers--Hughes and Divers, Great Trinity-lane, wholesale-stationers—Littlewood and Bond, Osnaburgh- street, silversmiths—J. M., T., and R.111. Raikes, London-wall, merchants ,• as far as regards J. Si. Raikes—J., R., rind W. Browne, filinching-hampton, and Basinghall- street, woollen-cloth-manufacturers—Plant and Barlow, Birmingham, pearl button- makers.
IxsocvENT.—Aug. 7, W. HowLAND, King-street, Smithfield, dealer.
BANKRUPTCY ENLARGED.—W. G. TL'CKERs Exeter, watchmaker, from Sept. 1 to 044 BANKRUPTCIES So PERSEDED.—E. and W. THOMAS, Park-lane, horse-dealers—W. Hooasa, Handsworth, Staffordshire, gun-maker. BANKED PTS.—[To surrender at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street.]—R. Buie- NETT, East Winch, Norfolk, wine-merchant, Aug. 28, Sept. 8, Oct. 2: solicitors, Ap- pleby and Charnock, Gray's-inn—J. WILLIAMS and B. Roceuts, Houndsditch, comb- manufacturers, Aug. 25, Sept. 4, Oct. 2 : solicitors, Swain and Co. Old Jewry—J. Lan- LEY, Clarendon-square,chymist, Aug. 25, Sept. 4, Oct. '2 : solicitor, Mr. Farden, Great James-street, Redford-row—T. HUNT, Surrey-street, Strand, commission-agent, Aug. 25, Sept.], Oct. 2: solicitors, Steadman and Southley, Throgmorton-street—P. CLos- SON, Harwich, saiL:maker, Sept. 4, 8, Oct. 2 : solicitor, Mr. Saunders, Prince's-street, Bank.
BANKRUPTS.—[TO 'surrender in the Country.] —A. SANDFORD, Sherborue, linendra- per, Sept. 10, 11, Oct. 2: solicitors, Vizard and Blower, Lincoln's-inn-fields — T. WRIGHT, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, grocer, Sept. 3, 4, Oct. 2' solicitors, Messrs. Bromley, Gray's-inn-square—T. Coe LEY, Shrewsbury, hosier, Sept.7, 8, Oct. '2 : solicitors, Clarke and Co. Lincoln's-inn-fields—R. \V. WILLS, Barnstaple, linendraper, Sept. 5, 7, Oct. 2 : solicitor, Mr. Darke, Red Lion-square—W. D. H oust ws, Liverpool, merchant, Sept. 15, 16, Oct. 2: solicitor, Mr. Back, Gray's-inn—G. TUCKER, Coleford, Somersetshire, innkeeper, Sept. 17, 18, Oct. 2 : solicitors, Messrs. Berkeley, Lincoln's- inn—G. JOHNSON, Manchester, cotton-spinuer, Sept. 7, 8, Oct. 2: solicitors, Milne and Parry, Temple. DI viosmus.—Sept. 16, Henderson, Laurence Pountney-lane, drysalter—Sept. 22, Fearnley, Crutchedfriars, wine-merchant—Sept. 14, Parkinson and Duckett, Manchester, calico-printers—Sept. 14, Hopkins, Oswestry, ironmonger—Nov. 13, Barnhy, Spalding, grocer—Sept. 15, Kershaw, Tomlinson, and Fuller, Manchester, machine-makers—Oct. 16, Hunter, Aston, dealer—Sept. 17. dathias and Bowen, Harerfordwest, bankers—Sept. 22, Edenborough, Chittenden, and Bartlett, Queen-street, Cheapside and Manchester, warehousemen—Sept. 11, Wadsworth, Bolton-upon-Deurne, Yorkshire, butcher—Sept. 22, Dollman, Regent-street, East India shawl-warehouseman—Sept. 15, Newman, Luton, straw-hat-manufacturer—Sept. 15, Pain, Luton, straw.hat-manufacturer. CE wri FICATES to be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before Sept. 11.—Fry, Constitution-row, Gray's-inn-road, historical-engraver—Davis, Dover-place, New Kent-road, carpenter—Pilliu, High-street, Southwark, and Catnterbury-place, Lambeth, hop-merchant—Brown, Greenwich, currier—Penington, Liverpool, money- scrivener.