The Chronicle, which has of late put forth a vigour
and evinced a determination suitable to the crisis, thus concludes a striking article, this morning, on the practical question " What have the Lords done ?" "The Lords have gone 'too far.' Not only have they mutilated the bill, but they have crippled themselves. They have forfeited and lost the confidence of the Country and the Commons. They have attempted, unsuccessfully it will be, TO POSTPONE MUNICIPAL REFORM A GENERATION. Their manly course was to have rejected the bill on the second reading if inconsistent with their anti-representative principles. Lord Lyndhurst has over-reached himself, and done infinite mischief to the Lords. Every one with half an eye can see through the device. In the emphatic language of Lord Brougham, THE -DILL IS GONE!' Let the Loans take the consequences of their anti national act in the public sentiments expressed on their conduct and the constitution of
an Hereditary Legislature ! Tue BILL IS GONE!' UNLESS THE Loans RESTORE IT !"