The Funds declined slightly on Monday, in consequence of reports that Minis- ters were to propose to the House of Commons a large pecuniary grant to be em- ployed in alleviating distress in Ireland. When the real character of the Govern- ment measure became known, a trifling reaction occurred in the prices of the Government Securities; but the market has again exhibited symptoms of feeble- ness, and the quotations have fallen, the closing prices of today being nearly the lowest. There have been few transactions of importance; and the depression noticed has been almost entirely occasioned by the preponderance of small sales of Stock, which though individually unimportant, in their aggregate are pressing upon the market. A slight improvement has occurred in the premium of Ex- chequer Bills, in consequence of a demand for bills of from 1001. to 2001. each; the range of quotation for which is always a few shillings in advance of the market-price for large bills: but the character of the market is unaltered, and there seems no reason to anticipate any large or immediate improvement. The
rate of discount remains the same; that of the Bank of England still continuing at 81 per cent.
In the Foreign Market, Mexican Bonds have experienced a decline of nearly per cent; 40,0001. Stock having been thrown upon the market on Monday by the failure of a member of the Stock Exchange. A purchase to nearly the same amount occurred a day or two afterwards; but only a momentary impulse was given to prices by the latter operation, and the quotations of today are nearly the lowest. Portuguese Bonds have experienced a decline of between two and three per cent. At the commencement of the week the market evinced much firmness, and there were evident indications of an improvement. Some sales of Stock have since occurred; and as reports are prevalent (though not believed) of an in- tended Miguelite outbreak, there is an indisposition to purchase even at the pre- sent low prices. The other Foreign Stocks are nearly at our last prices; though the general tendency appears to be downward, in the almost total absence of nasiness.
No material change has occurred in the Railway Shares; which partake of the general flatness, and are almost all lower. Some of the Scrip now in the course. of registration, in consequence of the bill authorizing the construction of each particular railway having received the Royal assent, has in the case of the moat favourite lines declined, and in others of less note become quite unsaleable.
The amalgamation of the Brighton and Croydon lines has been carried into effect: the united company is now called the South Coast Railway. The capital of the two establishments has been consolidated into Stock; the holder of each
Croydon Share receiving 181. 10s. stock of the united company. The holder of 100 Croydon Shares will thus receive 1,8501. South Coast Stock; which, at 1271.
or twice the value of one Brighton Share upon which 501. is paid, is equivalent to 231 for an original Croydon Share; the holder of which will in addition receive the dividend.
The London and Birmingham and Grand Junction Railways have also been united, and their capitals consolidated into Stock: the name of the united com-
pany is the London and North-western. As before the amalgamation the holders of London and Birmingham Shares were entitled to one quarter-share fur every 100/. share they held, and no such right was appended to the Grand Junction Shares, the united Stock is now bought and sold without the Birmingham quarter-share; and hence the decline in price appears much greater than it really is. On Friday last the Birmingham Shares were quoted at 230, including the dividend of 51. per share and the right to the new quarter-share, which latter is at 161. premium. It is necessary, therefore, to add 211. to the present price of North-western Stock in order to ascertain the real change in the market during the past week. That price today is 205 to 206; by adding 21/., the quotation will be raised to 226 to 227. Birmingham Stuck has consequently fallen about 3 per cent since Friday, and not 241. or 25/, as without this explanation it would appear to have done.
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced
31 per Cents Long Annuities
951 f 951 f 984 971 9
to 5-16 7-16
Columbian ox 1, enezuela . • I. 16 Danish 3 per Cents 88 90
Dutch 21 per Cents 591 1
Ditto 4 per Cents 931 41 Mexican 5 per Cents —1846 22/ 8 Bank Stock
207 209 Ditto Deferred Exchequer Bills prem. 10 13 Portuguese New 5 p. Cts:1841 40 42 India Stock
260 Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 40 42 BrazWan 5 per Cents
87 9 Russian 5 per Cents 1131 1146
The English Funds are firm at the closing quotations of yesterday. There in.. no change in the prices of the Foreign Bonds, nor any in the Railway Shatees there is, however, a slight inquiry for the French, in consequence of a trifling improvement in the Pans market. We can as yet only notice the occurrence of the following bargains: Birmingham and Oxford Junction, 64; London and North- western, 2051; Manchester and Birmingham, Quarter Shares, 9 1; Norfolk,, 26%; Ditto, Lxtension, 2%; Scottish Central, New, 9%; North Staffordshire, 3% premium. SATURDAY, Two o'Caocc.
The prices of the English Funds are the same as those given in the mornings the market, however, is not quite so firm in appearance: no change or business- of importance has occurred in the Foreign Bonds. A disposition to sell Por- tuguese Stock has been manifested; but, from the limited nature of the market,, no large transactions have been effected. We cannot hear of any transaction having occurred at a lower price than 41; the nominal quotations at the close being 40 to 41.
A failure has just been declared in the Stock Exchange. The liabilities of the defaulter are about 4,0001.; and his insolvency has arisen from having as broker sold some forged scrip of the Buckinghamshire Railway, for which he was called upon to deliver genuine shares. His principal being unwilling or unable to do so. and his own means not enabling him to make good the loss arising from the trans-- action, he has become insolvent.
The only occurrence worthy of notice in the Share Market has been the par • chase of about 700 East Indian Shares by an influential broker. The price of this variety has consequently improved slightly, and may be cited at from 1 to % premium. The following bargains have occurred since those given in the morn- ing. Birmingham and Gloucester, 128; Eastern Counties, 221 1; Ditto, York Extension, 211; Great Western, 149 7; Ditto, Half-shares, 83; Ditto, Quarter-; shares, 224 31; London and Birmingham, 205 7; Ditto, Fifths, 211; London, and Brighton, 63% 3; Midland, 140, 39; Midland, Birmingham, and Derby, 115; Scottish Central, 19%; South-eastern and Dover, 43 2%; Ditto, New, No. 1, 254; Ditto, New, No. 2, 174; Ditto, New, No. 4, 34 4; York and North Midland, 97; Ditto, Half-shares, 46; Dutch-Rhenish, 616; Last Indian, 34 i: Great Northern of France, Constituted, 12 4 4; Great Western of Bengal, 1; Namur and Liege, 2% 4; Paris and Lyons, Constituted, 54; Paris and Strasbourg, Constituted, 4%.