22 AUGUST 1846, Page 20


OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, Aug. 17.-Royal Regt. Artillery-Gent. Cadets to be Second Lieuts.-F. J. Beady, vice Waller, promoted ; M. Stewart, vice Freeth, promoted ; (Se- cond Lieut. Seedy to be placed next above Second Lieut. Dyneley, and Second Lieut. Stewart between Second Licuts. Margesson and Street) ; O'Bryen B. Woolsey, vice Grey, promoted ; A. W. Drayson, vice Ommanney, promoted ; C. W. Ogee, vice Pal- mer, promoted ; E. J. Carthew, vice Vansittart, promoted ; G. H. A. Forbes, vice Paget, promoted ; W. H. Blair, vice Phelps, promoted ; L. Martineau, vice Mercer, promoted; C. Hunter, vice Colclougb, promoted ; R. J. Hay, vice =ward, promoted ; A. j- II`Dougall, vice Chermeide, promoted ; J. Spurway, vice Blakeley, promoted ; G. B.C. Young, vice Cranfurd, promoted ; H. T. Boultbee, vice Ord, promoted. Corps of Royal Engineers-H. T. Siborne, vice Inglis, promoted ; C. S. Akers, vice Martindale, pro- moted ; B. A. Wilkinson, vice Hutchinson, promoted ; L. Nicholson, vice Wray, pro- moted ; G. E. L. Walker, vice Pasley, promoted ; J. T. Burke, vice Stokes, promoted; F. E. Cox, vice Hickey, promoted; S. B. Farrell, vice Clarke, promoted. OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, Aug. 20.-Royal Regt. of Artillery-Sec. Capt. F. Dick to be Capt. vice Stanway, dec. ; First Lieut. J. H. Adye to be Sec. Capt. vice Dick ; Sec. Lieut. F. J. Soady to be First Lieut. vice Adye.