The Archduke Maximilian has not yet publicly signified his acceptance
of the Mexican throne. It seems to be under- stood, however, that he will accept, upon certain conditions, and active negotiations are proceeding between him and the Emperor Napoleon. .He is only thirty-one, and married to a daughter of the Bing of the Belgians. The Moniteur has not spoken on. the subject, but it has published a decree cancelling the proclamation under which General Forey threatened to confiscate the estates of all who resisted the invasion. Ac- cording to the latest intelligence, Juarez is almost deserted, and Michael Deblado, the ablest of the local leaders, has agreed to recognize the empire, provided the ,rench do -not advance into his State--Guana.xuato. Gedal Forey declined to accede and Doblado must, therefore, be either subdued or purchased, either an easy process.