Agnes Ingold's Money : a Novel. By E. C. S.
(Town and Country Publishing Company, Limited.)—It is difficult to augur favourably of the literary success of the Town and Country Publishing Company, from/ such samples of their publications as we have seen. They are, indeed, only such productions as, we suppose, must have been rejected by even the most reckless of the ordinary publishers who devote themselves to the cramming of the devouring maw of the novel-reading public. The latest specimen, Agnes Ingold's Money, is the sorriest of all. It is an unkindness to the writer of such pitiable rubbish and a cruelty to her friends that it should have been suffered to find its way into print. It is time that the line as to what the public shall be expected to look at and reviewers to review should be drawn somewhere ; it ought to be, drawn some way above such a production as Agnes Ingold's Money.