Mr. T. P. O'Connor certainly does not flatter himself that
the Conservatives at heart are at all more disposed to favour the views of the Parnellite Party than the Liberals. He hopes more from their weakness, but he does not hope more from their sympathies. In this probably he is wise. Last Sunday an Irish demonstration was held on Tower Hill, at which he is reported to have spoken as follows :—" The Conservatives were now in power, and he would tell them that their hearts were black, and that they would do nothing for Ireland unless it was wrung from them. The Liberals had a strong arm, which they always wielded to strike a blow at Ireland when they had the opportunity. Let the Irish Nationalists be not misunderstood ; if they voted for the Conservatives it was not because they loved them, but because it was expedient, and because they hated the Liberals more. They would vote as expediency dictated, and for the good of Ireland alone." Does Mr. O'Connor really regard the Irish Land Act as a "blow struck at Ireland " ? If so, we must say that we quite agree with him that the Liberal Party loves to strike such " blows " at Ireland when it has the opportunity. As for Mr. T. P. O'Connor and his party, we admit that they act for the good of the Parnellites alone. But that Ireland has any enemy so dangerous as the Parnellites, whatever they may profess, we do not ourselves believe.