About going to Late. By Arthur John Williams. (Cassell and
Co.) —Mr. William's advice may be generally summed-up in the little word"' don't." But as, in spite of the beet intentions, the "'honest
citizen," for whom this book is intended, cannot always help himself, he descends to details, and makes a number of practically useful sugges- tions. Bat the object of his book, as he explains it, is "to save those who are not lawyers," but is " by no means intended to make them their own lawyers ; to save them from going to law, not from going to lawyers when the occasion really makes it desirable that they should do so." His first chapter, then, is " How to avoid going to Law ;" the two that follow describe " How to Resist an Unfair Claim," "How to Assert a Just Claim ;" the fourth gives " Hints to Witnesses ;" the fifth "Hints to Jurymen ;" and the last deals with the " Police Court."