Child-Life in Chinese Homes. By Mrs. Bryson. (Reli g ions Tract Society.)—Mrs.
Bryson is attached to the London Mission at Wuchang, in China, and writes from the personal experience of some years' duration. She has made a vary pleasant book; telling us a rood deal incidentally of Chinese domestic life in general, and enlivening her descriptions with some personal narratives. The history of "the Boy who became a Doctor" is a specimen of these last, and is most interesting. Young Bien-Tang's father was a teacher at Hankow, and was converted and baptised about twenty years ego. He brought his son to the Christian Church. About ten years after- wards medical work was commenced in connection with the Mission at Hankow. The younger Hang became a student at the hospital, and Snally completed his medical education there. He is now, and has been for the last five years, in charge of a native hospital, which be stipulated should be conducted on Christian principles. The illus- trations of this volume are particularly attractive.