[To TER EDITOR OF THR "SPECTATOR.'] SIR,—If the enclosed from an American citizen is of interest to you to peruse or publish, pray do so.—I am, Sir, &c.,
E. K. P.
" University Club, Fifth Avenue, August 5, 1914.
It is difficult for me to express to you, without giving an exaggerated idea, the entire sympathy of every one here (including many Germans) for your country in her contest with the autocrat of Europe. We look confidently to an outcome which shall assure the peace of Europe for many years. We have the fullest reliance on your effective and resolute handling of a most serious situation. We consider that you are maintaining the better part, and we earnestly hope that your actions will be marked by that prompt- ness which, though a little foreign to the genius of your people, the time demands. If you can land and will have landed by the time you receive this 100,000 men in Belgium, the selected route to Paris will be `a rocky road to travel' for our German friends. Thereby France will be able to oppose vigorous and effective delay. Russia, which, for lack of railroads, mobilizes only slowly, can advance upon Berlin. The major strategy of the German Staff will have been interfered with in its operation, and a suc- cessful outcome can be at least hoped for—indeed, anticipated. The fate of nations is, of course, not necessarily upon one. battle, but a second Waterloo at about the same place, cutting the German 'line of communication,' will do more to save lives and advance world prosperity than several great victories a year from now. Pardon me if from my anxious hopes I have ven- tured to urge too strongly where I am not directly concerned. Of course, at present we have no earthly right or excuse to justify our doing anything, but you can feel assured that our people at large regret that fact, and would welcome an opportunity to aid in what is the common cause. I have talked with many, and, save ene single man who thinks that there is danger of a Russo-Slav irruption over Europe later, all are here of a mind. I wish yo_u the best of fortune, feeling assured also that you deserve it