22 AUGUST 1958, Page 3

Portrait of the Week— , H ow, IS THE HUNTER; but a

few days after he returned the Greek Government announced that it was unable to co-operate in the working of the revised plan for the future of Cyprus. The Turks had not yet been heard from, but already it was clear that the lid was once more off the melt- ing-pot. In New York, on the other hand, it was being firmly replaced, as the special meeting of the General Assembly came to a gentle and meaning- less end. Nobody has yet suggested that it stay in session to discuss the possibility of war between Britain and Iceland, but this may come. The man in the moon, meanwhile, has his thumb firmly to his nose, though Mr. John Wardle has discovered that this particular gesture has its drawbacks.

'I HE GOVERNMENT'S PLAN for the future of Cyprus has been rejected by Greece. A letter from Mr. Karamanlis to Mr. Macmillan says that he will not appoint a representative to co-operate with the Governor, and once more insists on the right of the Cypriot people to self-determination. While the Turkish Foreign Minister, Mr. Zorlu, is in New York at the special meeting of the General Assembly the Turkish Government is unlikely to reply to Mr. Macmillan's letter, but Wis already clear that the plan is in a bad way; the one bright ray in the situation is that the violence has, at any rate for the moment, slackened. The meeting that was keeping Mr. Zorlu in New York reported a kind of progress with the tabling by Norway of a resolution asking Mr. Hammarskjold to report on 'practicable arrangements' for safeguarding the Lebanon and Jordan. There was a good deal of talk about a resolution formally calling on Britain and the United States to withdraw their troops (President Chamoun got back into the act by an- nouncing that they would not be asked to with- draw from the Lebanon at any rate until his term of office expired on September 23), but it was made clear that such a resolution, even if passed, would be ignored by both countries concerned.

ICELAND ANNOUNCED that from the beginning of September she would enforce the 1Z-mile limit around her shores. British trawlermen, who would thus be cut off from some of their happiest hunt- ing-grounds, retorted that they would ask the Navy (the British Navy) to protect them inside a limit they had no intention of respecting, and it was hinted that they would not ask in vain. Trouble was brewing elsewhere, too; the, court of appeals at St. Louis ruled that the Little Rock High School must resume racial integration when

the new term began, and the men of with Governor Faubus at their head, prepared to dig in. But attention was abruptly shifted from Arkansas to Florida when the United States attempt to put a satellite in orbit around the moon failed, the rocket blowing up seventy-seven seconds after firing. It was announced that a further attempt would be made, and the date most widely quoted was September 14; the Soviet Union was expected to pull the trigger on Sep- tember 12.

SERIOUS FLOODING in the West Country marked another week of appalling weather. Heavy weather, too, was made by the committee of the Marylcbone Cricket Club, which decided after a four-hour meeting to withdraw their invitation to Mr. John Wardle to join the forthcoming tour of Australia. The London omnibus men played a day or two's hide-and-seek with a possible go- slow campaign, and the court of inquiry into the London docks dispute judiciously criticised the attitude of both sides. The Lord Chief Justice's resignation was made official.