22 AUGUST 1987, Page 17

Sir: Gavin Stamp in expressing his hatred of the new

BT phone kiosks (Letters, 15 August), goes so far as to describe the sticky-label adverts from .prostitutes as a 'design flaw'. If so, the same design flaw was just as evident in the Scott kiosks he so admires. Here in Notting Hill Gate all the local kiosks have had floor-to-ceiling labels for years, some of them quite artistic. When we had the old red boxes the labels served the useful purpose of holding together the vandalised glass which BT never replaced. Now that we have the new booths but equally useless equipment it's difficult to see why the prostitutes continue advertising. Perhaps we should give up thinking of the kiosks. as places from which to make telephone calls and regard them as similar to those cylindrical structures which adorn French pavements and seem to be an advertiser's free-for-all.

Simon Daily

85 Linden Gardens, London W2