22 AUGUST 1987, Page 17


Sir: Two more British Telecom horrors; don't give me the prize — like you, I have nowhere to Put it — but just print them, please.

Planning a visit to Glyndebourne, I naturally wanted to know what kind of weather was expected in the Sussex area. Turning to the most recent volume of the telephone directory, the May 1987 London A-D, I discovered that 1T has removed entirely the list of numbers from which weather information could be obtained. What is more, the three volumes published earlier contained only the London weather number, and doubtless this will be re- moved as they are reprinted.

That comes under the heading 'Sod the Customers'; the second instance should be classified under Fraud. The charge for a phone-call is supposed to start when the called number is reached; the other day, I was making a call from a phone-box; my number rang for a long time, but I knew that it was very busy and that it would be answered in due course, so I hung on. The phone-box, one of the new model called the Vandal's Friend, displayed the amount of money I had put in, and as I watched, the sum counted itself down, while the phone was still ringing in my ear; when I topped up the sum, my number still not having answered, it went on swallowing the extra money as well.

Can't somebody prosecute the thieving bastards?

Bernard Levin

London WI