G RAHAM'S L i w. & J.
A first prize of £20 and a bottle of Graham's Malvedos 1979 Vintage Port for the first correct solution opened on 7 September, with two runners-up prizes of £10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers English Dictionary — ring the word 'Dictionary% Entries to: Crossword 1073, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2LL.
Each of the unclued lights, when treated in the same way, provides a clue to another unclued answer. Ignore three accents.
Name Address ACROSS 11 Almost everyone has loathing for estate (7) 12 Reluctant to go round pub and club (6) 14 Obsolete coin from financial adviser (5) 16 Car dealer's last to go (5) 19 Old fashions in French skirts (7) 21 Wild beast, a rescuer of animals, do you say? (4) 23 Girl yonder has sex appeal (7) 24 Almost spoil new oven (4) 25 Entire side was to declare once
31 Net-work (4) 32 Of a membrane, or more than one, say (7) 34 First in exam: university gradu- ate's excelled. Well done! (4) 35 Pro working with nose? (7) 40 Wood Street chief (5) 41 Tried game — failed — went rowing (9) 42 Hymn, one with incomplete melody (6) 43 Sports expert loses head: such ill-luck (7, hyphened) DOWN 1 Boat's captain gets a bream, wriggling over river (11) 3 Old count has comedy part (5) 5 Senior French state head missing (4) 6 Protective covering for instru- ment (4) 7 I'll translate Christmas verse, right? (7) 9 Skilful one produced gun noise
10 Single-minded shepherd's mini- mum requirement? (7) 18 Cannot have car journeys: flies (11) 20 Liberal supporter, say, admitted lawfully (7) 22 Reptile and a fish in a drawer turned up (9) 26 Congressman's endless farewell 27 ebauchee grabs money — an
everyday activity (7) 28 Seen to be tarnished (7) 29 Greek man imprisons girl (7) 33 Want to leave the country (6) 36 Flickering taper for firework (5) 39 A horse off the straight at Ayr (4)
Solution to 1070: Streetlight 1 down=New York's Broadway. The triads are: (GREAT) 14, 30, 42, (wurrE) 8, 9, 28, (WAY) 71 38, 40.
Winners: Mrs M. P. Knox, Seven- oaks, Kent; Runners-up: Dr Mar- garet Wylde, Stowmarket, Suffolk; Milne Postlethwaite, Tring, Herts.
Dictionary prizes are sent out by the 'Post-a-Book' service.