22 DECEMBER 1838, Page 10

BIRTHS, 31 A it It 1 A E S, A

N D EAT!' S.


Oit the lthli inst., at Adelstla0p House, the Lad}' EI.EANI0t CATHCART, Of a sou and heir.

Ou the 1411i inst.. at the Rectory, Abbots Atm, Haat,. the lady of the llon. and Rev. S inert. 14:ST, Or a S011.

On the 16th just., in obi Palms. Yard. the Lady o; lime 414. a sou. On lb.' 1501 lash., :It the Rectory. Sicitnithorne, Yorkshire, the I,ads of the lieu

11.1t4:IlT Still.

On tle. 13111 inst.. al 111.• i1,14 Ilcrkcsley. the La.ly of the Hoy. NI taau %M. Or a IbUlt:11t..1..

Oil the Ilth Lost., at wislaar. Nleekleni,org, the 1.1 , 114:NitV Minty leis IF,uncb Majesty's Consul at that place, Or a ..■■a,


On the Tstli east., at -t. )1a,%1■•1■01II. Chureli, . . son cr James Whitman, Esq.. of %litters. heal, to II minor Eft/ .,•.: ui .10,4 daughter of ltear• Admiral Itaron De Itsligersliebt, of her Wrest,: Ihr the ISth inst., st. Marylehone, and aiterwanis n, COldile! (0 the l',11.1110111e: the Greek thovANNI !hi...mos. of the island of %ante. lo Efizs. DOJO,- THE s, ellieS1.1,111111,1' of sir t ;emu-, Toile, Bart., of Ws iolliani !'lace.

At Si. licor2e•s, Ilminer Square. the Res. til:MIM i'..wSNEND. Prebendary of lbw- ham and Vic al North:Merton. hut I:into...ere (•111111.T.o5, eld.ei ,1, 1101- iogl,,.rv, Esq.. of Nerthiant Lamberlinrst, Sussex.

tni tLcINtli inst.. at Nenfs"r V.scan %N. Esq.. to the

Right Om, ERIN,— NI ton F,O1111-,, widow Nia',or-li1.1101,1.1 ii,, Lord Viscount

hat,. :0.1 only child 411 the Territt Esq.. LL.D.. of HAI.

lhu rho tlth inst.. at Windsor flare. Glasgow, W11.1.1 %N1 It ‘1.1,1N,: 1.-11..

143111s, .1EsszE, second daughter of the late .11elrew flamer, Mer- chant, Glasgow.

On the 1.011 in the parislTehurch of IIigh 1:Nm.ANn. 1:.t..

L.'111.•04011,1 or the 4th Regiment of foot, to NI %Kr. third ol Fecntas tic Wilson, E.01., of Iligh NIcItini, near Donea:ter. Yorkshire. on the 20th inst., al St. Mary's. Brvanst • Square. NIr..IMIN 111.1.1..‘11, or writers Street, to t: %wird Sr:, only dategliter of Mr. Foster, Of WiL.:111011' Street.


Oa the 22i1 ult., at the ItCdisli Residetwe at Burliarest, M ow im:r , Wiftl of l{nbcrt 41. of CiinsulA:encral for Wal- l:H.11M, and Youngest daughter 1,1 the hate TiltallaA Ne,list.m. N.Ii. On the 12th inst., Field Marshal Prince WatmE, at Ellimgcn, in his 72d year. Ili me 15th tilt., :it Blair costie, moloarr Ittieer. Dexots. vol., of Blair.

LOtli inst., at (huh Pieta , *war Maitletatead, ill his Mith year, Sir Wm. LI lit HERNE, knight, ,1 Magistrate and Deploy -Hewett:tot of the ionnty. I n the 20th inst., Captain the Him. WILLIAM WA1.0Eon.tvE, R.N., s..cotol son of the late and brother of the present Lord Itadstock. Cht the lath inst., at Charlotte Street, 1/141.0111511111T, Bunter WINTER, Esq., late of the 415111 Regiment. in his tAllt year. On the Edtli inst., at Ilampstead. %IMES Erni., in his 65th year. On the 14th inst., at Tunbridge Wells, Jolts Vomit..., of Waterton, in his

teatli year. _