The steam-ship Liverpool, the disastrous commencement of whose voyage the
reader recollects, arrived at New York on the 23d of No- vember, in sixteen days front Cork. She had plenty of fuel, and proved herself a capital sea-boat. The Roscius, one of the New York packets, which arrived at the close of last week, perfumed halt' of her voyage in six days, and the whole in eighteen. The Cambridge, which arrived this week, made the passage in eighteen days. The following letter, from President Van Buren to Lord Durham is given in the papers of this week.
n Washington. October 26.
" My Lord—llaving been informed that it is your intention to pass through a por- tion of the United States on your return to England, I embrace the occasion to express to your Lordship the great satisfaction I slciuld exprrieuce if your arruuv,emerrta al- lowed of your visit tieing extended to this city. The friendly sentiments entertained by My fellow citizens towards yourself, and also towards the people of your country, will, I doubt not, prompt a sincere desire on their pit to render your sMtiarit among t hem a_reeahle to yourself, as I and stare it will be .'u tit 1%iir to them. For my Own part, I is ill happy, if by your presents. here I ■11,111 N. of the op. portonity of mailif -fin.; to your Lordship personally tin sincerity with which I share in link, Si.111i1111-111s.
" 1 alll, consideration, your f.ordeliip•s most oheilient ser- Vault, M. Vas BUREN. " Ili. 1:X0.41011'y the Earl of Durham, &c."
l'orton is said to have sailed from (bichee direct to India, It is mentioned in the American papers. that 'AI•Ketizie and Theller attempted to go up a meeting of Sympathizers in Washington but it failed. The people connected with the Government are said to have been ordered not to attend it.