Arrived - .11 heal, lien. 21,1. .V.I.etion. From It iiel:a1; Kart of Balearras, V.eux. from 'Itin.I. .11 P■•11,momik, Yilltone, Perris. fr ; 21,4, Waterloo. to,. from ditto: 1:11mostr, 711:11Ltra, N..,% (III Torbay. 111111. Hod Ito% ar, Patti-on, from I 1.1N..rrool, lb, !.cling;
Lysander, 'Pattie; and lit. Ludlow. front St. 11.tetn, etet. 2mh, Banger,
Brown, from l'erra:son. P.,Leitsote, from Hata% ia Tono•rbus., . From 11,11ga1. At the Athocat... Wilkinson. teems 1,1,■1■41. it lik,mhay. 110. 9t1t, Cosa anti lull], Wittie,mh, 1,:l.!oto; 1311s, Linton,
from Li.orpoo1; 17t11. (Vim ; lied 1.11I, Sir F. Paget,
tram 31111ras. Sep. :.'t,t1t. PlaMagimet, Domett ; (41. 13th, Mount Stuart El1.'1111..tom...11,11y; :00 1711k. l'Alivrito,. time tAncb.a. Nailed Fr.m th•aa,..1141. tee', 15'11, fr.,th 13..m him) hi%erpool, )51h, .lute Ilortoe, ttlimi11211,1m. from China.