An attempt has been made to get up at the
Lyceum an entertainment of the kind of Museatt's Promenade Concerts at Paris. The pit of the theatre is boarded over level with the stage, which is thrown open to its full extent : and an orchestra of sixty performers, many of them of first-rate talent, occupying the centre, play popular pieces of instru- mental music, according to a programme varied every evening. The space for promenading is not sufficiently ample ; and the audience, though very respectable, fall as far short of the brilliancy of Mussily's concerts, as the scene-lined walls of the stage portion of the house do of the sumptuous fittings of his saloon ; and there is a lamentable dispro- portion of greatcoats and bats over cloaks and bonnets. As yet, how- ever, this is but an experiment—it can hardly be called a beginning : and, judging from one night's experience of the entertainment and the company, it promises to be successful.