The Messiah was performed last night by the Sacred Harmonic Society, in Exeter Hall. The opening recitative and air were sung by Mealiest with the grandeur and energy of an earlier day ; though his voice, in the air especially, betrayed a diminution of flexibility and equality of tone. Still, taking it altogether, it was a performance of unrivalled power and greatness. The recitative, " Thy rebuke," and the air " Behold and see," were exquisitely sing by Honus ; who, for pathetic expression, joined to beauty of voice and refinement of style, has no equal among English singers. The bass song " But who may abiee the day of his coining," was also well sung by Mr. NOVELLO. The rest of the solo-singing, by Miss WYNDHAM, Miss 1lnscu, &c. was any thing but liandelian. The choruses, as usual at these performances, were magnificent—equal in power, and, front frequency of repetition by the same body of singers, superior in smoothness ank precision, to any thing we have heard even at the greatest Pros incial Festivals. The hail, according to custom, was crowded to the:doors.