It',quoin; of Charles Mathews, Comedian. By Mrs. Mathews. In 2 volt's.. Bentley.
Aneient seottisli .ledies. front n Matiuseript of the reign of James VI. With an Introductory Inquiry illustrati‘e of the ilidery ut the Music 01 Siaaland. By William Danney. Esq., .4eot. V.tp;Ph, and 1.
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praetieil I Miser% Mien-, on the (..t ises and Treatment 01 Curvatures of the ';Rine; with Denville itir,'..tiatis for l'h■sieal Culture of Youth. as a means of pre- %entity.; Disease; an Etching. wok Description of an Apparatus for the correction 01 the Detormity, Etura‘ings iliwtrali‘e or the cases. By Manuel Stir.2eon "44ne/./,;,, "n4 _11,1r•h•111; !lean, 1.ceds.
A 'rr,..kuj •■■nr :•■■•111'.11:Zia, Ity Ili, Iced how land. M.11.. M.•thher or the not.d. eh■,:whoe. Oi Lumhm, Pl.' to tht City 1):•111.11,lr:o OW 1,j010.11 , ■■10 I on Qlmai ant hie. a, a of :Or fe,tilnf PreJres, tae Edi,laogh.
On tie, ..saeees,ful Trerninw it eisanipti%e Disor ers. and Female Compla mts eio1,111.01.1i then., Svnif1,1”, the 1)1.1j1•310 Ili.alt )1 by Diet am: ill It .1. J. Funds: M. 31.D Member the Royal Colle,:e ct PM-Wiwi,. Se. Sc. Se fl'hittuker.