Lord DURHAM might well impute ignorance of Canadian subjects to
the people of this country, when even they who assume the office of public instructors, and a newspaper possessed of such acknow- ledged resources for obtaining correct information as the Times, makes gross mistakes in facts concerning the American Colonies, of no very recondite nature. Thirty-five prisoners, under sentence, arrived at Liverpool on Monday, in the Captain Ross, from Quebec ; and the Times seized the occasion to praise Sir Jolty ('ol.noEsE for the promptitude with which he had dealt with one batch of the rebels— it will he seen, that whatever course Sir John Colborne map hare resolred von for the disposal of the Canadian traitors, rebels, or invaders, his resolu- tion respecting one portion of them must, at all events, have been promptly nook. By the Captain Russ, which left Quebec on the 22d of November, thirty-five of those offenders have been conveyed to Li ve-eprol. and were landed there last NIonday evening. On the passage, they had made an attempt to overpower the crew and escort, and to seize the ship; but were soon discom- fited, and loaded with heavy irons."
On looking over the names of the prisoners, no French one ap- peared : therefore, said the Times- " We must, in the absence of more detailed infiwmation, conclude that the bulk of this cargo of prisoners are nothing more nor less than Republican pirates, who invaded Canada tier the sake of robbery, and employed for its ac- complishment the machinery of murder, and alto, by all laws, human and di- vine, have forfeited their lives to the executioner."
Now it happens, that the prisoners landed at Liverpool were not implicated in the last rebellion, and did not belong to Lower Canada at all. Neither is their deportation a proof of Sir ions CoLlIORNE'S vigour and promptitude. They arc part of the Uppee Canada con- victs, engaged in the outbreak of 1837 whose fate has been shame- fully dcla1jrd by the wretched Government of drat colony. Instead of praising. Sir JouN Col.nouNE, the Times should have abused Sir GEORGI; ARTHUR.