An attempt to make a tithe - seizure ut Fieldstown, nine miles
north of Dublin, was resisted by the debtor, a wealthy farmer named Ward, assisted by his two sons and six peasants. The Sheriff was supported by Police and a party of Lancers. The peasantry assembled in great numbers, whilst Ward and his party offered " passive resistance" by pressing against the gate of the premises. A stone from the crowd nearly felled one of the troopers ; who then cut with their sabres at the party at the gate, wounding one of them. Admission was gained, and the seizure made.
Two more murders have been committed, connected with the" tenure of land,"—one on a Mr. Brahazon, near Mulligan ; and the other on Mr. John Ennis's " driver," at Ballanhoun.
The Second Regiment of Dragoon Guards have been sent from Dub- lin to Manchester.