Queen Adelaide arrived at Malta on the 5th of December. and was received with great honour. The city of Valetta was illuminated, and a splendid ball was given on the occasion by Sir F. Bouverie, the Go- vernor. Her Majesty's health has greatly improved since her arrival in the Mediterranean. She is expected to visit Constantinople before her return to England.
The Earl of Durham had a long audience with the Marquis of Wel- lesley, at Kingston House, on Tuesday.
Lord and Lady Lyndhurst remain at Baden-Baden ; and are not ex- pected in London till the meeting of Parliament.
Lady Cecilia Underwood has broken up her establishment in Great Cumberland Place.
The Marquis and Marchioness of Normanby arrived at the Claren- don, on Wednesday afternoon, from Mulgrave Castle, Yorkshire.
The marriage of Viscount Duncan, 3I.P., and Miss Phillips, daughter of Mr. George Phillips, will be solemnized early in the ensuing month in town. The Earl and Countess of Camperdown and Lady Elizabeth Duncan will come to town from Bath for the purpose of being present at the ceremony. Sir George Phillips intends to arrive from his scat in Warwickshire, also to be of the wedding party.—Morniny Herald.
We understand that the Royal stud now at Brighton comprises thirty saddle horses, twenty-one ponies, and twenty-four carriage horses.— Brighton Gazette.
Mr. Wentworth Beaumont, in a short letter to the newspapers. promises to prove the falsehood of Mr. Somers's charges (except one) at his " leisure." He acknowledges his belief in a " supernatural influence."