Unmixed good does not arise from the competition among the
publishers of almanacks. In proportion as the day of publication is made to precede the proper day, namely the 1st of January, so are the chances multiplied that the information conveyed shall prove incomplete or deceptive. It is laying up a source of dispute or at least of puzzle for future times. Thus, the authority of the almanacks may be quoted to prove that Queen Ade- laide was living on the 1st day of January 18501 Curiously enough, the only political event with which the good Queen was generally but erro- neously associated, as "having done it all "—the setting up of the Peel Ministry of December 1834—does not appear recorded in any of the al- =necks for 1835; all of them having been published before the con- struction of that Ministry. If Adelaide still lives in the almanack-calen- • dim, the list of the short-lived Ministry the existence of which proved so fertile a source of annoyance to her, never found a place in it.