We have still no official statement respecting the negotiations which
aro understood to be proceeding between Austria and Rus- sia, and in which Austria is supposed to be acting with the consent of the Western Powers. The reports, however, reach the public through various channels • they are consistent with each other, and with probabilities; and they at least constitute the news of the week upon this subject. They comprise a sketch of the terms; which are compounded of "the four points," and of the acquisitions which the Allies have made by force of arms. The effectual abolition of the Russian protectorate over the Princi- palities, and the free navigation of the Danube; the abatement of Russian preponderance in the Black Sea, by completely neutral- izing that sea and excluding all war-ships; and the abandonment of the Russian protectorate over the Greek Christians of Turkey,
these conditions belong to the four points. In addition to them,' consistently with the acquisitions of the Allies and with the con- stant object of obtaining a material guarantee for the abatement of Russian suprenmoy in the Ottoman land and waters, it is pro- posed that the forts dismantled by the Allies shall not be re- constructed and that a Portion of Bessarabia shallbe surremieha; . •
According to some accounts, this portion would comprise not only, the mouth of the Danube, which would be thus completely removed from Russian interference, but the fortress of Ismail, which is the key to the power of the Caer in that quartet. Other smuts, going. yet further, anticipate that the part of_Bessarabia to be oniX.1."1._ will be formed, with the Principalities into a new and independent kingdom. What of the Crimea P This is not mentioned. It is said, however, that the fortifications in the Baltic are not to be reconstructed. These terms are consistent with the /lampoon that , the Allies originally made; they are consistent also with the achievements of the "Allied armies; and the several accounts, how- ever scattered, are consistent with each other. So far we have a case of probability. It is also asserted that Austria has declared her intention, if the propositions should be rejected, to withdraw her Ambassador from St. Petersburg.. A most resolute step! and alarming, perhaps, for Russia! The great difference that is likely to be caused in the conduct of Austria would be produeed by the new treaty of Sweden ; for although Sweden is not a'Great Power, she is a Northern outpost of Europe, and the fact of her being r content to join in the stand against Russia must be a gage to' Austria both of the necessity and the practicability of resis- tance. It is also a material guarantee that the influence and , connexion of the 'Western Powers are increasing. 'Where so much depends upon reports that are unauthenticated, we can- not place any assured reliance upon the results ; but we see what would be the effect of those proceedings if they have been truly described.