22 DECEMBER 1855, Page 10

Davidson and Gordon have at length been found guilty of

one offence. After they were acquitted of embezzlement, on Wednesday, Mr. Ballantine renewed the prosecution ; indicting them for obtaining goods under false pretences within three months of their bankruptcy. The charge was sus-

tained by the evidence, and the Jury returned a verdict of "Guilty." In passing sentence, yesterday, Mr. Justice Coleridge said, that in the present case he saw no circumstances of mitigation to call upon him not to pus the extreme sentence under the act of Parliament upon which the indictments were framed ; and it was therefore his duty to pass upon them the full sen- tence of the law—that they be imprisoned and kept to hard labour for two years.

The Jury who tried the bankers Strahan, Paul, and Bates, have addressed a petition to the Queen, stating, that having carefully considered the peti- tion of Robert Makin Bates, they firmly believe that had its contents been proved at the trial, they would have acquitted Bates. They regret that the statements in the petition were withheld from their consideration ; and in order that justice may be done' they pray that the truth of the allegations may be inquired into, and that if they prove correct, her Majesty will grant the prayer of Bates.

A fire broke out yesterday morning, at Carton House, near Maynooth, the residence of the Duke of Leinster. The amount of damage has not been ascertained, as, when the intelligence left Dublin' the flames had not been extinguisbed. The Duchess of Leinster was ill inbed at the time, and was removed to the steward's house.