22 DECEMBER 1860, Page 9



The intelligence of peace having been concluded with Chinn caused the Funds to open on Monday with great buoyancy, at a rise of nearly 1 per cent, Consols being quoted the first thing at 93. 931; a great deal of business was transacted during the morning at both those figures, and most speculators for the fall were tempted to repurchase, thereby imparting remarkable firm- ness to the market. A reaction, however, occurred before the close of the day of per cent, since which time great heaviness has been apparent, especially today, when the market has receded to the closing prices of Satur- day last. The cause of this dulness is attributable to the prevailing and growing uneasiness with regard to American political and financial affirirs, every fresh advice bringing news of further depression in stocks and ex- change. The Indian news of yesterday has likewise aided in lowering quo- tations, added to continued telegrams of drooping prices on the Paris Bourse ; money also has been in increased demand at higher rates, and today 5 51 per cent has been offered on Government Securities. Consols close 02 93, very fiat ; Bank Stock marks 233; New Three per Cents and Reduced, both 921 921; Exchequer Bills, 5s. dis. 2s. dis. ; India and Ditto Five per Cents shut.

In the Foreign Market, stocks have been very inactive, and quotations for the most part are merely nominal. Turkish Stocks, however, have been subjected to the greatest fluctuations, the New Six per Cents have been done at 57 59, and close 58 59; the Old Six: per Cents leave off ; 72 73, very firm. Grenada Active, 151 161 ; Ditto Deferred, 51 6; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents, Ditto Three per Cent, 731 741 ; Ditto, the Dollar Bonds, 80 81; Ditto Uribarren, 83 85 ; Venezuela, 21 22 ; Ditto One-and-a-half per Cents, 11 12; Mexican has been in demand, and firm at an advance, closing 211 211; Brazilian has been dull, and finally 85 87 ; Chili= Four-and-a-half per Cents, 82 83; Ditto Six per Cents, 102 104; Spanish remains good at the late advance, 51 511; Deferred, 42 421; and the Committee's Certificates, 61 61. Money has ruled in this Market at about 41 and 5 per cent. The Railway Share Market has undergone considerable fluctuations, and a rise of 1, '2, 3, and even 4 per cent has been established in some descrip- tions—Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, being 55 56; and South Eastern and Dover, 871 88; the rise in the latter is owing to the expectation of an increase in the traffic when the abolition of passports for France shall have taken place. Midland is not quite so firm as at the early' part of the week, but closes steady, 1351 1351; Great Western, 741 75; London and North- Western, 102 1021 ; London and South-Western, 951 951; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 1201 1201 ; Caledonian, good at 98 981 ; London and Brighton, 117 119 ; London, Chatham, and Dover, 51 53 ; Ditto, Preference Shares, 90 92; Great Northern, 110 111; Ditto, A Stock, 106 106, both dull. The Markets all round close less firm. French Shares have been unsteady, and close at a slight decline, in consequence of the receipt of lower figures from Paris. Lombardo-Venetian, / 1 discount ; Paris and Strasbourg, 231 241 ; Northern of France, 381 391; Orleans, 54 58 ; Midi, 20 21. Indian Shares flat—East Indian, 1001 1011; Great Indian Peninsula, 971 981 ; Madras, 951 961. Ocean Marine have been 4 premium, but close 31 ; Universal, 1 11 premium ; London Provincial, h discount h premium, Thames and Mersey, 11 11. In Miscellaneoous Stocks and Shares nothing of importance has taken place.