Yesterday, St. Thomas's day, the wards of the City held
their ward- motes to elect officers for the ensuing year. Yesterday, St. Thomas's day, the wards of the City held their ward- motes to elect officers for the ensuing year. Mr. Hullah suffered a severe misfortune in the loss of St. Martin's Hall ; in fact, he lost all. His friends have earnestly set about raising funds to make some compensation to him, and to testify their respect and esteem. In furtherance of this design, Mr. Ilenken's Choral Associa- tion will give a concert in his honour in St. James's Hall, on the 31st of December.
Departing from the unbroken traditions of the last sixty years, the scholars of Westminster have this year left Terence for Plautus, and chosen the " Trinummus " of the latter for their Christmas entertain- ment. However this innovation may have ruffled the Conservative feelings of old Westminsters," it was made perfectly successful by the general good acting of the performers.