There is little detailed news from Bulgaria, but the general
drift of all received is that the Russians are organising an advance on Sofia, in which 90,000 men will be employed under General Gourko, and that the interest of the war will be transferred to the south of the Balkans, a great Russo-Roumanian army nevertheless remaining in North Bulgaria to watch the Quadri- lateral. The immediate command of this army, and the general control of the Russian "Army of Rustchuk " has been transferred to General Count Todleben, who defended Sebastopol, and compelled the evacuation of Plevna. The Emperor is already on his way back to St. Petersburg, and will be followed, it is stated, by the Heir-Apparent. Sixty thousand more men have been mobilised, and the combined Russian, Roumanian, and Servian armies in Bulgaria now exceed 300,000 men.