Amongst the host of now pocket-books, diaries, note-books, and memorandum-books
for 1878 which we have received, none that we have seen are prettier than Messrs. Marcus Ward's, their distinguish- ing charaeteristio being that the diaries are divided into four parts,— one for each quarter,—so as not to swell out the pocket-book too much, and yet leave sufficient room for memoranda. They are pre- pared in very good taste, and the russia leather in which the pocket- books are bound is not heavily overlaid with gilding, after the fashion of too many, which are otherwise equally useful.—Letts's very useful diaries of all sizes and forms, in shapes suited for everybody, from folio diaries for the housekeeper, to pocket-diaries for the young lady who has only ball engagements to register, have also been sent to us.