The Nicotera Ministry in Italy has fallen. It was detected
in an odd and almost comical way in tampering with tele- grams,—that is, in allowing the contents of private telegrams to be published as official news, and, on a vote of confidence, was -supported by so small a majority that its members considered it necessary to resign. It is doubtful, however, if this was the true reason of their resignation. They had become very unpopular with the Chamber, partly for their ineffective way of doing business, and partly for political jobbing, and being very anti- Clerical, were considered by many Liberals, and probably by the King, a dangerous Ministry to be in power during the approach- ing vacancy in the Papal Chair. Great difficulty has been found, however, in filling up their places, and up to the evening of Friday S. Depretis had found it impossible to form a Ministry, even of Affairs.