The Vienna correspondent of the Times reports a speech delivered
by M. Szell, the Premier of Hungary, on the 13th inst., the reception of which by the Chamber of Deputies is of some importance to Europe. M. Szell declared that the Triple Alliance was as valuable to Hungary as to Germany, and that even if the Ausgleich were terminated, and the Austrian and Hungarian Monarchies were separated, it would still be the interest of all Hungarians to support the Dreibund. He said this while well aware that the economic interests of Hungary suffered from German fiscal policy, an evil, however, which he hoped to correct in the forthcoming commercial treaty. The speech was enthusiastically cheered by a large majority of the Deputies, who evidently do not share the French impression that Buda-Perth always sym- pathises with the ideas of Paris. It does sometimes, but not when Paris lies prostrate before a Russian Emperor, whose interests as well as his nationality must always make him hostile to the Magyars.